If you are looking for construction companies or contractors for homes, remodeling spaces, or to get jobs in Chicago, IL, on this page we share information about which is the largest companies in the city, phone numbers, addresses, websites, and directions to the office closest to you right now.
Leave your reviews, opinions, and comments about construction companies in Chicago, Illinois for our online community to learn from your experience or questions – read on!
Map and search for construction companies in Chicago, Illinois.
Find the construction company or contractor closest to me by performing a search on the city map, where you can see quick directions from where you are, to apply for jobs or hire for building or remodeling.

What are the jobs for construction companies in Chicago?
Whether for work or for hire, the most sought-after types of services and jobs are as follows:
- Painting jobs.
- Cleaning jobs.
- New home construction.
- Remodeling jobs for rooms, yards, buildings, and more.
- Swimming pool construction.
- Structural engineering.
- Demolition work.
- Land leveling and surveying.
These are the most sought-after services and types of work in the city.
List and addresses of construction companies in Chicago, IL.
We share the information of the companies in the city of the state of Illinois, so you can quickly find the directions in the GPS of your car or the map app of your cell phone, either to hire or apply.
IRPINO Construction
Phone: (773) 525-7345
Website: www.irpinoconstruction.com
Address: 4234 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60613
Maya Construction Group
Phone:(773) 305-5789
Website: mayaconstructioninc.com
Address: 4408 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60630
Richard Group Construction Management Company
Phone:(847) 859-2751
Website: www.richardgroupllc.com
Address: 566 W Lake St suite 100, Chicago, IL 60661
Clune Construction Company
Phone:(312) 726-6103
Website: www.clunegc.com
Address: 10 S Riverside Plaza STE 2200, Chicago, IL 60606
W.E. O’Neil Construction
Phone:(773) 755-1611
Website: www.weoneil.com
Address: 1245 W Washington Blvd, Chicago, IL 60607
McHugh Construction
Phone:(312) 986-8000
Website: www.mchugh.com
Address: 1737 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60616
Power Construction Company, LLC
Phone:(312) 596-6960
Website: www.powerconstruction.net
Address: 8750 W Bryn Mawr Ave #500, Chicago, IL 60631
Bulley & Andrews
Phone:(773) 235-2433
Website: www.bulley.com
Address: 1755 W Armitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
MK Construction & Builders, Inc.
Phone:(773) 817-1861
Website: mkconstructioninc.net
Address: 2000 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Novak Construction
Phone:(773) 278-1100
Website: www.novakconstruction.com
Address: 3423 N Drake Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
Berglund Construction Co
Phone:(773) 374-1000
Website: www.berglundco.com
Address: 8410 S South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60617
Milhouse Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Phone:(312) 987-0061
Website: milhouseinc.com
Address: 333 S Wabash Ave #2901, Chicago, IL 60604
Athens Construction Co., Inc.
Phone:(312) 243-2727
Website: www.athensconstruction.com
Address: 613 W 16th St, Chicago, IL 60616
Budget Construction Company
Phone:(773) 283-9200
Website: www.budgetconstructioncompany.com
Address: 5334 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
DBR Home Builders LLC
Phone:(773) 362-8588
Website: www.dbrhomebuilders.com
Address: 4403 W Lawrence Ave Ste 211, Chicago, IL 60630
Pepper Construction Group
Phone:(312) 266-4700
Website: www.pepperconstruction.com
Address: 643 N Orleans St, Chicago, IL 60654
Trice Construction Co
Phone:(773) 548-4000
Website: www.triceconstruction.com
Address: 438 W 43rd St, Chicago, IL 60609
James McHugh Construction Co.
Phone:(773) 783-8111
Website: www.mchughconstruction.com
Address: 7626 S Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL 60620
Icon Remodeler Chicago
Phone:(773) 203-8351
Website: iconconstructionremodeling.com
Address: 212 North Carpenter St# A1, A2, Chicago, IL 60607
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