If you are looking for remodeling and construction companies in Houston, TX, on this page we share the online search engine for construction jobs and contractors and home builders, and other projects in the city. Addresses, phone numbers, hours of operation, and the bids and orders they offer in the area or by zip code.
Share your opinions, comments, and reviews about your experience searching for construction companies in Houston, Texas so that our community can reference your queries – read on!
Search engine and map of construction companies in Houston, TX.
We share the online search engine on the map of construction companies near me in the city, so you don’t waste time searching all over the Internet, you go straight to contractors, home builders, remodeling, and that offer painting or construction work.
What jobs do construction companies in Houston, TX do?
Whether you are interested in looking for work or hiring for home remodeling or construction projects, companies in the city perform:
- Interior and exterior remodeling.
- Interior and exterior painting jobs.
- Construction of houses.
- Construction of warehouses, factories, offices and other projects.
- Demolition and cleanup.
- Design of houses and other constructions.
- Structural engineering.
- Land leveling.
These are the most sought-after jobs they perform, if you have a specific need you can consult with the nearest construction company.
List and addresses of construction companies in Houston, Texas
We share the address and location of the most important and sought-after companies, so you can put them in the GPS of your car or in the map of your cell phone and have the indications of how to get there, the customer service hours, and the services they perform.
Warwick Construction, Inc.
Phone: (832) 448-7000
Address: 365 FM1959, Houston, TX 77034
Forney Construction
Phone: (713) 224-1900
Website: www.forneyconstruction.com
Address: 8945 Long Point Rd, Houston, TX 77055
Phone: (713) 405-0421
Website: jhanglobal.com
Address: 5100 Westheimer Rd #200, Houston, TX 77056
HM General Contractors
Phone: (713) 947-6548
Website: www.hmgeneralcontractors.com
Address: 1674 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77043
Rise Construction – Commercial Construction Company in Houston
Phone: (281) 817-7160
Website: riseconstructiontx.com
Address: 827 N Loop W, Houston, TX 77008
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
Phone: (713) 963-9790
Website: www.mccarthy.com
Address: 3800 Buffalo Speedway #250, Houston, TX 77098
Gilbane Building Company
Phone: (713) 209-1873
Website: www.gilbaneco.com
Address: 811 Main St #2450, Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (281) 447-8100
Website: tellepsen.com
Address: 777 Benmar Dr Suite 400, Houston, TX 77060
All Star Construction, Inc
Phone: (281) 847-0294
Website: www.allstarconstruction.com
Address: 13110 T C Jester Blvd, Houston, TX 77038
Brizo Construction
Phone: (409) 316-4764
Website: www.brizoconstruction.com
Address: 9100 Canniff St, Houston, TX 77017
Beyer Construction
Phone: (281) 587-5900
Website: www.beyertx.com
Address: 16110 Hollister St, Houston, TX 77066
Gemstar Construction & Dev
Phone: (281) 821-1195
Website: www.gemstarconstruction.com
Address: 21707 Inverness Forest Blvd, Houston, TX 77073
Dunhill Development And Construction
Phone: (713) 493-0177
Website: www.dunhilldevelopment.com
Address: 4801 Woodway Dr #425W, Houston, TX 77056
PCG Roofing Co
Phone: (832) 356-3004
Website: pcg-construction.com
Address: 205 Roberts St, Houston, TX 77003
Burton Construction
Phone: (281) 313-5055
Website: www.burtonconstruction.com
Address: 10550 Westpark Dr, Houston, TX 77042
DPR Construction
Phone: (713) 386-1300
Website: www.dpr.com
Address: 3200 Southwest Fwy #1550, Houston, TX 77027
RHV Construction
Phone: (713) 742-2201
Website: rhvconstruction.com
Address: 10134 Hammerly Blvd #159, Houston, TX 77080
Portton Construction Inc
Phone: (832) 207-3537
Website: porttonconstructioninc.com
Texas Sterling Construction Co.
Phone: (281) 821-9091
Website: www.texassterling.com
Address: 20810 Fernbush Dr, Houston, TX 77073
Turner Construction
Phone: (713) 840-8441
Website: www.turnerconstruction.com
Address: 13430 Northwest Fwy Suite 500, Houston, TX 77040
Find construction companies in Houston, tx near you.
Find the construction companies closest to your location right now, to order work, or to hire for construction, demolition, or remodeling in your home or other projects in the city. Also, you will be able to check how much it costs to build a house in Houston, tx.